
Tutors in Chicago

We help parents find the right private tutor for their child’s unique personality and diverse learning needs!

Our tutors are licensed, career educators and specialists from all across Chicagoland including the suburbs and North Shore.

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We are all diverse learners with unique strengths and challenges.

Our local Chicago-based tutors get to know your child and attune to their unique needs so they can help them build resilience and confidence. A team of over 170 tutors and specialists allows us to hone in on the specific tutor skillset required to address your child’s needs. And what better place to learn than in a familiar in-home tutoring environment!

Our student’s goals range widely — from learning to read using multi-sensory approaches like Orton-Gillingham and Wilson to empowering middle schoolers with better time management to supporting high school students to master higher level math. We also provide ADHD tutoring, executive functioning coaching, tutoring for learning disabilities, gifted tutoring and so much more. Children can’t help but learn when they met with the right support!


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Reading, Writing, and Math tutoring
Our tutoring services in Chicago cover all preK-12 subjects from early literacy and numeracy to understanding complex texts, writing research papers, and even calculus!

ADHD Tutors
We specialize in building executive functioning skills, persistence, independent functioning and other ADHD-related development areas.

Learning Disabilities
Our specialists use proven teaching methods for students with LD, including multi-sensory techniques like Wilson and Orton-Gillingham tutoring.

Executive Functioning Coaching
We teach tools and strategies to improve organization, time management, planning, self-control, task completion and much more!

Homework Support
By reteaching, pre-teaching and filling in learning gaps, we make sure homework is completed by your child correctly and on time.

Autism Tutors
We embed instruction with visuals, structure, reinforcers and clear expectations for a supportive learning environment.

Homeschool Support
We partner with families for tailor-made programs including temporary homeschool, long-term homeschooling, and unschooling.

We tutor wherever you need us, whether in your home, a local library, at school, a medical setting, coffee shop or even online! We are your local private tutors in the Chicago metro area including the city, Western suburbs, South suburbs, Northwest suburbs, and the North Shore.

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We are strong believers in teamwork. Our Chicago tutors love to connect with teachers, therapists, neuropsychologists and anyone else who may help us better understand your child. We work with your family to develop clear learning goals and define the type of data we will collect to track progress. Our tutors in Chicago also consult with one another to ensure the highest quality instruction. At Chicago Home Tutor, we know that with the right supports your child can break through barriers and experience success.

Whether you need a tutor in Chicago or in the suburbs, we’ve got you covered! Our Chicago tutoring services covers all of Chicagoland in person, and we serve the far reaches of the nation through 1:1 online tutoring.


Hear From Our Parents

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Empower your child today.


Our Chicago tutoring service begins with a free, 30-minute phone consultation with our Learning Behavior Specialist. We'll discuss your child's challenges and how Chicago Home Tutor can help.